Patrick Snow's
Authorpreneurship Academy
An Authorpreneur is a person who leverages their book to build their Book Publishing, Professional
Speaking, Coaching, or Consulting Business.
Secret #1
Secret #2
Learn your three publishing options and that only one will turn you a profit.
Secret #3
Do you still think you can't become a Bestselling Author, Highly-Paid Speaker, and Sought-After Coach?
I feel your pain and confusion. I was once in your shoes: Overwhelmed by the process and with no one to turn to in order to find the solutions. As a result, I spent countless hours doing research by making phone calls, sending emails, reading book after book, and finally, discovering the answers. With all the research behind me, I still made mistakes. Therefore, let me help you simplify the process, answer all your questions, become your resource, your guide, your mentor, your coach to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be as a successfully published, best-selling author, or highly-paid speaker, and sought-after coach.
Why you, Patrick? What makes Patrick Snow qualified? Perhaps these are the questions entering your mind. If I were in your shoes, I would be asking the same questions. Therefore, I would like to ask you to perform your due diligence and see whether you can find another coach who has achieved the same level of success in this industry, and more importantly, who is willing to share his or her secrets with you. See, I have several friends who have sold more than one million copies of their books; however, they do not have the time nor the bandwidth to work with you personally and share their secrets with you like I do. Therefore, I would like to let you know my qualifications right up-front. Then I will let you know how being an author and publishing coach all started for me. As you will learn, my success did not all happen overnight, but rather, it has taken close to 20 years of blood, sweat, and tears to achieve what some may refer to as an overnight success. As you will read below, there is nothing about my story that occurred overnight.
My story is that since 2001, I have sold upwards of 1,000,000 copies of Creating Your Own Destiny. My books have been translated into five languages and have been sold in 108 countries on six continents throughout the world. I have also been featured as a contributing author in numerous other books including Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction. My book and family photo were featured as a December 5th, 2002 cover story in USA TODAY. I have also been featured in The New York Times and hundreds of other national publications over the years. I have been a featured guest on more than 450 stations on both radio and TV (thousands more with syndication). More importantly, I have achieved all of this recognition by serving as my own publicist. I can show you how you too can save tens of thousands of dollars and do the same without hiring expensive and often disappointing publicity experts.
As a professional speaker, I have given more than 3,500 speeches throughout the world. My current speaking fee is $25K USD. I have addressed audiences from 25 to 10,000 as far away as Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Santiago, Chile, Lima, Peru, Guatemala City, Guatemala and all over North America, including virtually all 50 U.S. states. My talks have been as short as 30 minutes or as long as three consecutive days.
As a coach, I have performed small business and entrepreneurship coaching to countless others. I have served as a publishing coach, book-marketing coach, life coach, and professional speaking coach to over 1,200 entrepreneurs from all over the U.S. as well as clients who reside in Europe and Asia and everywhere in between.
My journey started for me back in 1986 when I was 17 years old and the captain of my high school football team in Michigan. As the captain, I was designated by my coach as the guy who would deliver the pre-game speech to my teammates to inspire them to play at their highest levels. This experience is what lit a fire in me to be a public speaker. The problem was that back then I did not know you could make a living as a speaker, let alone know anyone who was an author. Therefore, I took one speech class in high school, and another in college, but ultimately, I graduated with a degree in Political Science from the University of Montana. I moved to Seattle, got a job in Sales, but started to moonlight in the speaking business as a hobby.
Between the ages of 22 and 26, I gave 300 speaking engagements and I failed each and every time in my attempt to get paid. See, I would speak at the Rotary meeting, Kiwanis meeting, churches, schools, Boy Scouts, FBLA, DECA, and anywhere I could speak I would go speak. Each time, I failed to get paid. I got free breakfast, free lunch, free dinner, and every now and again, I would get lucky and score a free pen or a free mug! Finally, I’d had enough, and as a Christian, I had a come to Jesus talk and asked, “Why am I unsuccessful in turning my passion for speaking into my profession of speaking?”
The answer I got was: If I wanted what others have, I needed to do what other did, and I would get what others have gotten. See, I studied the career paths of my mentors: Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Dr. Stephen Covey, Mark Victor Hansen, and many others, and ALL of them had one thing in common. Each had successfully written and self-published a book to launch his speaking, coaching, and consulting career. As a result of recognizing this factor, I decided that the only way for me to become a professional speaker was to write and publish a book.
Therefore at age 26, I put together a query letter for a book and sent it off to about 50 literary agents and publishers in New York. Most of them never acknowledged receipt, but those who did all rejected me and turned me down. As a result, I stumbled across Dan Poynter’s book titled, The Self-Publishing Manual. Having read it, I soon realized that the only way for me to guarantee that I would ever get published and become a professional speaker was to write and self-publish my own book. With this in mind, I spent the next five years working my day job in sales and little by little writing my book.
After five years, I finally published my book in July of 2001. I spent nights and weekends for five years working on my book and spent $20,000 of my own money. I successfully self-published Creating Your Own Destiny in soft cover at 140 pages.
Two months later, I held my first book release party with 65 people in attendance. This event led to my first paid speaking engagement of $500 for a local real estate company. From there, everything started to happen for me, and I can trace all my success back to my decision to self-publish my book in 1996. If you desire to write and publish your book and get paid as a speaker or sought-after coach, I can help you do the same and save you time and money in the process.
Soon after my book was published, people started approaching me to ask about the process of writing and publishing a book. They wanted to know who was my editor, proofreader, typesetter, cover designer, how and where I secured my ISBN# and Library of Congress#, where I printed my book (China, U.S., or Canada), and finally, how I got my books into Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and bookstores worldwide. As a result, in 2002 I spent all my time when I was not on stage speaking in helping others to replicate my success by teaching them the publishing process. I have developed a 55-Step, 16-Page Best-Seller Publishing Coaching Road Map that to this day I instruct all of my clients to follow to achieve success. This resource is loaded with information about all my vendors and suppliers that I have qualified over the years, and all of whom give preferential treatment and pricing to my clients.
At 50 years old, I am an author with a finished two-book deal with John Wiley & Sons. Wiley happens to be the number one business publisher in the world, capturing 15% market share. Wiley is a $3 billion per year company and is more than 200 years old. I successfully did my two-book deal and was grateful to receive a very lucrative advance from them. More importantly, I made this deal without going through a literary agent, as I wanted to keep all the royalties for myself. If your goal is to get published through New York, I can coach you through this process and share with you both of my book proposals that worked. Do note that the odds are against you since traditional publishers only publish 2% of all the manuscripts they read. By all means, they get many, many more than they can read. A literary agent friend of mine is on record as stating that if you have a manuscript complete, your chances of landing a traditional NY publishing deal is one in a thousand.
With this background now fully disclosed, you can see that I did all the hard work so I can successfully save you lots of time and money when you pursue writing a book. I have never found anyone else in the marketplace who can accurately describe and explain the three publishing options every budding author needs to understand and choose from in order to succeed or fail in this business. Don’t be bamboozled! You owe it to yourself to learn how publishing really works and what publishers don’t want you to know.
The webinar above will fully explain your options. In addition, you’ll learn five requirements for becoming a bestselling author and the first five of my 21 mistakes to avoid when you publish and market you book. I am even giving you all 21 mistakes to avoid free if you watch the webinar above.
Therefore, let me show you the secret to my success and allow me to serve you as your coach. If you purchase the course now, I will include a 30 minute consultation, so you can share your situation and your goals, so I can give you a personalized plan of action.
The time is now to act and create your own destiny!